W6 - GUI, Tech Design

Starship command center

Hi everyone, on the post of this week we will introduce you our Graphical User Interface (GUI), that is called Command Center in our game. Moreover we will deal of the Technical Design. Let's start !?

Main Menu

The first screen which the player will be introduced to is the Main Menu this fairly basic layout will allow the player to click on one of three buttons, 'START' which will allow the player to enter the Lobby screen. 'INSTRUCTIONS' which allows the player to view the instruction screen and lastly 'QUIT' which allows the player to exit the application.

Instruction Screen

The Instruction screen will display certain information relating to how to play the game each screen will take the player through an average game and instruct them on how to play step by step. The player will be able to scroll through each step freely by clicking 'NEXT' and 'PREVIOUS' they will also be able to return to the main screen by choosing the 'MENU' button.

Lobby Screen

The Lobby Screen will allow the player to pair up with their opponent and then initialize the game. Firstly the player will be prompted to choose a name once that's done they'll be taken to the screen below and then given a choice between player one or player two after that they click the 'READY' button and when both players are ready the game will begin. The player also has the option to return to the main menu by clicking the 'MENU' button.

Game Screen

The Game screen is the main screen which you'll see once you enter a game, this screen gives the player an overview of the game map and a large amount of information relating to game play allowing the player to have easy access to critical information. There will also be 3 buttons on a bar at the bottom of the screen the first being ' TECHNOLOGY' this button will open up the Technology Tree screen allowing the player to buy new technology. The next is 'HOMEWORLD' this will open up a menu allowing you to see more information relating to the planet and giving you access to any special abilities your Race/Nation might have. Lastly is the 'QUIT' button if it's all just getting a bit too much for yourself you can quit the game at any time using this button.

- Ryan

Technical Design

The technical design has been completed about how the GUI works.

You can find this document here.


- Vincent
